25 February 2010

Ecclesiastes - Lee

I have something in my eye. It has been there all day. Well, actually, I think that my eye has been scratched slightly. My eye feels fine while it is open, but every blink feels like I am rubbing a tiny grain of sand against my eyeball... it is not very comfortable. It's pretty rare that I stop to consider my eyes. For 24 years they have worked pretty much perfectly. I have been able to see everything in front of me (provided that there's enough light). These eyes are good eyes; you can take 'em to the bank. I can see.

At least that's what I like to think. What if everything that I thought I was seeing clearly was actually distorted?

In The Princess Bride, the Sicilian bad guy loves to use the word "Inconceivable!"At a later point, Fezek (Andre the Giant), offers a funny little challenge to the short, bald Sicilian, "I do not think that word means what you think it means."In Ecclesiastes, I hear a challenge from Solomon. It's as if he is getting up in the face of my Christianity and questioning it's basic form and function.

I want to do what's right, earn a living, love and support my family, be wise, be happy, be blessed by God. Solomon informs me of an unnerving truth:
Everything is meaningless when I do it. That which originates from me is vanity... that's hard for me

That which originates from God - whether ease or struggle - is good and right.

more later.


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