10 April 2010

Matthew 21-25. thoughts from Lee

Between the Triumphal Entry and the Last Supper, Jesus was busy teaching. His words to me in these five chapters can be summed up pretty succintly: It's not like you thought.

You thought it was about efficient worship. It's not like you thought.

You thought that your service to God was of primary importance. It's not like your thought.

You thought that you deserved your wages. It's not like you thought.

You thought that right behavior leads to "good" results. It's not like you thought.

You thought that you know what "good" means. It's not like you thought.

You thought first was first and last was last. It's not like you thought.

God, you are violently removing assumptions from my heart. You are ruining my system of theology and how I live my life. Help me to receive your Word.

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